
May 11, 2013

Nikki + Dustin | Gender Reveal | Norfolk, VA Photography

It's time folks!  It is finally time to reveal what Nikki and Dustin will be having!  We actually decided to try out a few different ideas to announce the sex of their baby....

It's's a......

Nikki and Dustin will be welcoming a baby....BOY! Good; boys are more fun anyway!

They are so excited to be having a bouncing baby BOY! 

If you are wondering what happened to the "BOY" balloon...they let it fly away.  If you were in Norfolk on Monday the 6th and remember seeing that black balloon flying around...well that was us! ;]

Nikki & Dustin are Team Blue all the way!!

Good luck y'all! Being a parent is hard, BUT it is such a blessing! Baby Boy has some pretty amazing parents!!!

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